Thursday, August 28, 2008

Video Utilities

Flv Extract 1.3.0
After downloading various music videos from youtube, you can extract the audio from the compressed video by applying a simple utility called Flv Extract.
This utility does a splendid job of splitting a .flv file into a audio mp3 file and avi video without decompressing or recompressing. Just download the extraction tool from the author's site (link below) and unzip the file to your desired folder. It works as a stand alone tool without installation. This utility requires microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. to be installed. Scroll below for the download links.

Video Utilities

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 download site

Microsoft .net framework 2.0 download.

FLV Extract v 1.3.0 author's site

Flv Extract v1.3.0
